* Terms and Conditions: No Developer License:
7593-10/01-2015/01071(L). Valid Dates: 21/01/2014-20/01/2015. Advertising &
Sales Permit No: 7593-10/01-2015/01071(P) Date Valid: 21/01/2014-20/01/2015.
The approving authority: Majlis Perbandaran Nilai (MPN). No. Plan Reference:
MPN.431/1534/2012/2. Land encumbrances: Nil. Land Tenure: Freehold.
Restrictions interest: Land owned cannot be transferred, leased, pawned except
with the written permission of the State authorities. Expected date of
completion: Feb 2015. Total Units: 94. Price: RM450,400(min)-RM1, 135,000